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Food and Water Storage for Emergency or Disaster Preparedness

Why Emergency Preparedness is Crucial

Disruptions in the food supply can be caused by various factors, including:


  • Unemployment and Economic Downturns
  • Erratic Weather and Natural Disasters
  • Food Supply Contamination
  • Quarantines and Pandemics
  • Transportation Disruptions
  • Social Unrest
  • Acts of Terrorism

Preparing for a disaster can significantly reduce fear, anxiety, and potential losses. Having your d http://miura-seikotsuin.com/  https://remontibudowa.com/  https://zaskakujacakuchnia.pl/  http://urzadzajzpasja.pl/  https://dlabiznesmena.pl/  https://casinomega888.com/  https://fk-vintage.com/purchase/shoun/  https://www.celeb-lady.jp/  https://foozoku.net/own stockpile of food, water, and other essential supplies can make you less dependent on relief organizations and government aid. In major emergencies, it can take up to nine days for emergency services to reach affected areas, as seen during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

Initial Steps for Emergency Food and Water Storage

Start by storing a minimum of three days’ worth of emergency food and water. Gradually increase your inventory as your budget and storage space allow.

Food Storage Guidelines

  1. Optimal Storage Conditions: Store food in well-ventilated, clean, dark, dry, and cool areas. The ideal temperature for canned food storage is 50°F. An increase of 20°F can double the rate of food deterioration. While 50°F might be challenging to maintain, storing food at 70°F is acceptable. Avoid storing food at 90°F, as it accelerates spoilage.
  2. Rotation and Usage: Rotate your food supplies regularly. Date items as you purchase or can them, and place new supplies at the back of the shelves, moving older items forward.


  3. Storage Placement: Avoid placing food storage containers directly on cement or dirt floors and walls. Use wooden pallets or boards to provide ventilation and protect against moisture.
  4. Flavor Protection: Keep stored food away from products that may affect its flavor.

Water Storage Guidelines

Water is more essential than food for survival. Store a minimum of seven gallons of water per person for drinking and food preparation, and an additional seven gallons per person for bathing, brushing teeth, and dishwashing. Use heavy plastic containers with tight-fitting lids, as metal containers can corrode and impart an unpleasant taste to the water.

Water Purification

If you have any doubts about the bacterial safety of stored water, you can purify it by:

  • Boiling: Boil water vigorously for one to two minutes.